Schools & Daycare

Cochrane Preschools, Schools & Childcare


Cochrane has two school districts: Rocky View Schools and the Calgary Catholic School District. If you are looking for another option there is an active homeschooling organization: Cochrane Home Educators.

As a general rule school starts with half day kindergarten with full time school from Gr.1 -12. There are 12 schools in total from both districts.

Available other programs are:

  • French Immersion
  • Cochrane Christian Academy

Daycares & Preschools

There are many options for daycare and preschools in Cochrane, from day homes to child care centres. BGC Cochrane & Area ensures that your registered day homes are regulated and maintain quality.

Cochrane is a growing community with a strong emphasis on education. With each neighborhood having its own designated elementary and high school, families have access to quality education close to home. However, as the population of Cochrane increases, there has been a strain on school capacity leading to challenges for families who wish to request a different school for their children.

To address this issue, the town of Cochrane is actively working towards expanding and building new schools in order to accommodate the growing population. This not only provides more options for families, but also helps to alleviate the strain on existing schools.

*For Calgary Catholic School information click here

Cochrane Schools

A School in Cochrane AB


Each area of Cochrane has its own designated public school through Rockyview. Find out what school your child would be attending by following the link to the interactive map.


Registration for new students/families starts at the beginning of the year for that school year. If you are an existing student there is no need to register as you are automatically enrolled.

RVS Transportation

You can register for bus transportation to get your child to their school. Find out more information below for contact numbers and registration, which opens in spring for the school year.

School Communication

RVS uses:


To find more links follow the link below then click on parents on the top menu.

Here you will find information on the different types of childcare available, and how to go about accessing it.

Cochrane Childcare

BGC Cochrane & Area

From out of school care, dayhomes, to summer camps this is the all around support for your child.

They provide after-school pickup services for children in kindergarten and older, and ensure regular oversight of dayhomes through frequent check-ins.

Facebook Group: Cochrane Childcare Central

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